Project Euler Problem 21
Amicable numbers.
Let d(n) be defined as the sum of proper divisors of n (numbers less than n which divide evenly into n).
If d(a) = b and d(b) = a, where a ≠ b, then a and b are an amicable pair and each of a and b are called amicable numbers.
For example, the proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110; therefore d(220) = 284. The proper divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71 and 142; so d(284) = 220.
Evaluate the sum of all the amicable numbers under 10000.
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Source code examples on Github
Erlang version 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | #!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- %%! -smp enable -sname p20 % vim:syn=erlang -mode(compile). main(_) -> io:format("Answer: ~p ~n", [lists:sum(lists:flatten([fr(X) || X<-lists:seq(1,10000)]))]). fr(X) -> D1 = d(X), case d(D1) of X when X < D1 -> [X, D1]; _ -> [] end. d(0) -> 0; d(N) -> lists:sum([X||X<-lists:seq(1,N div 2 + 1), N rem X =:= 0]). |
Erlang version 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | #!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- %%! -smp enable -sname p20 % vim:syn=erlang -mode(compile). main(_) -> io:format("Answer: ~p ~n", [lists:sum(lists:flatten([fr(X) || X<-lists:seq(1,10000)]))]). fr(X) -> D1 = lists:sum(d(X, 1,[])), case lists:sum(d(D1,1,[])) of X when X < D1 -> [X, D1]; _ -> [] end. d(0, _, _) -> []; d(N, M, A) when M > N div 2+1 -> A; d(N, M, A) when N rem M =:= 0 -> d(N, M+1, [M|A]); d(N, M, A) -> d(N, M+1, A). |
Python version
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | #!/usr/bin/python def divisors(n): return list(i for i in xrange(1, n/2+1) if n % i == 0) pair = dict( ((n, sum(divisors(n))) for n in xrange(1, 10000)) ) print sum(n for n in xrange(1, 10000) if pair.get(pair[n], 0) == n and pair[n] != n) |